Gotham Cigars is moving up the ranks in as far as cigar quality and value is concerned. If your looking for high quality cigars and Rocky Patels look no further than Gotham Cigars.
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After ranking #142 in Inc. Magazines 500 fastest growing companies for 2012, Gotham Cigars has taken another step in the direction to serve a larger segment of the cigar market by offering attractive discounts on highly rated cigars. They have maintained an amazing collection of the most sought after brands for cigars online. It has become evident, as per recently concluded ratings by Cigar Aficionado magazine. They have a great selection of highly sought after cigars such as Rocky Patel cigars, Black and Mild cigars, Acid cigars and many more.
The success of Rocky Patel Premium Cigars is a quintessential American story.
Born in India in 1961, Rackesh “Rocky” Patel’s passion for cigars led to his creating the eponymously named boutique cigar manufacturing company, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars. Originally a Hollywood entertainment attorney who counted Gene Hackman and Arnold Schwarzenegger among his clients, Rocky Patel was exposed to cigar smoking by his famous clienteles. His interest in the cigar industry grew over time and ultimately resulted in Rocky Patel selling his practice to spend five years in Honduras, where he worked and learned the handmade cigar-making trade.
In 1996 Rocky Patel returned to Hollywood, CA to found his own cigar business, which was renamed Rocky Patel Premium Cigars in 2002. Today, Rocky Patel is a leading cigar manufacturer of premium handmade cigars. What’s more, a Rocky Patel cigar has become as much about the man as the handmade smokes he crafts—both have garnered a huge following amongst cigar smokers and cigar aficionados alike.
In 2003, Rocky Patel debuted the Rocky Patel Vintage Series of cigars into the premium handmade cigar market. Comprised of premium quality aged Honduran tobaccos and with a production of just 250 cigars per day, the Rocky Patel Vintage Series of cigars still consistently breaks the 90-rating in Cigar Aficionado magazine. Indeed, when it debuted, the Rocky Patel Vintage Series set the bar for the premium cigar brand’s other superior handmade cigar offerings. To this day, every Rocky Patel cigar is thoroughly inspected. The result? A top-quality, reasonably priced cigar that is enjoyed by all cigar-smoking palates.
Today, less than 10 years since the Vintage series first debuted, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars is one of the most sought after cigar brands thanks to their first-class quality and reasonable pricing. Dedicated to perfection and the art of cigar-making, Rocky Patel Premium Cigars are all put through a rigorous quality-control process to ensure each and every cigar-smoking customer—whether lover, novice or pro—enjoys a superior, flavorful product.
Apart from the owner’s inspiring story, what sets Rocky Patel apart as a modern-day brand for cigar lovers, is the fact that the company does not own a plantation, instead preferring to work with a combination of tobacco farmers in Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic. What this translates to for the consumer is that the final product has been crafted from the best tobacco to fit that particular cigar’s palate. When selecting the tobacco for a certain cigar product, both initial stages are considered—growing and aging—before tobacco blending and cigar-rolling takes place. This is true for each and every one of Rocky Patel’s cigars and is what makes each of them so unique.
Rocky Patel is calling his company’s new release, Rocky Patel Private
Cellar, a personal favorite. The three-size, broadleaf-clad line was
released at the IPCPR trade show.
Billed as a medium-to-full-bodied cigar, Private Cellar is made with a
Nicaraguan binder, Nicaraguan fillers and a Connecticut broadleaf
wrapper. It is being rolled at Patel’s Tavicusa factory in Estelí,
Nicaragua. Patel says the blend is one he has “been working on and aging
for a number of years.”
Private Cellar will be available in the three standard Rocky Patel
sizes: Robusto at 5 inches by 50 ring, Toro at 6 1/2 by 52, and Torpedo
at 6 1/8 by 52. They will come packaged in boxes of 20 and will all be
priced within a few cents of $8.50 each.